Superfast fibre direct to the door

On a snowy February morning way back in 2018, we attended a CLA event held at BT HQ in Suffolk and discovered that super fast fibre was not just a dream for farmers and before the event had even finished, we had registered and our journey began. 

We’d already explored other avenues, satellites and dongels and both served a temporary answer whilst we patiently waited for our fibre project to begin. 

Our community fibre project meant that cables needed to be brought up to our farm from the main exchange in one of our nearby villages. This consisted of both underground and over ground, resulting in our existing poles being fitted with fibre cables which allows us to deliver fibre direct to all of our buildings.

Through working with Open Reach and not through an internet leased line, we now have over 65 lines delivering super fast broadband direct to the door, leaving some spare for the future. 

It’s been an experience and one that requires patience but we now have all of our residential and commercial properties with over 300mbs of super fast fibre broadband direct to each door. 

It’s been worth the wait as our project has become a valuable asset for the future of our farm.

During Covid-19 it’s helped us all to keep in touch, it’s benefited our business at the farm, the families and those who work from home. 

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